I haven't, and that's a semi-travesty. The truth is, Sonic Youth put out some of the most challenging and progressive rock music in the 1980s and 1990s. They're uncompromising and mesmerizing.
However, they're also rock music's jagged little pill -- it doesn't always go down easy.
Sonic Youth were peaking right when my interest in rock music peaked. Due to their being an extremely indie rock band, they were not always the most accessible band, although 1988's Daydream Nation was a relatively popular album. In that noise-garage-rock kind of way.
Still, stylistically, they're not very consumable for a young rock fan. I would say that most people that say they were into Sonic Youth at 14 are lying.
It's said that young children have an dislike for meat. They eat hot dogs and that's about it. It's something about the texture of meat that we generally have to grow into. Sonic Youth is an example of rock meat. It takes a little time for the taste buds to mature. Then it can be enjoyed.
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