In Paul Haggis' mind, he wants to remind us all just how real racism is. He also wants to remind us all just how real stereotypes are. He might as well put Ludacris and Larenz Tate in black face. Those two were made to look ridiculous. Confronting actual stereotypes by being those very stereotypes (being dangerous). There's the hurtful Sandra Bullock as the untrusting rich lady, who'll have to look long and hard for a locksmith in Los Angeles that isn't Hispanic.
Most offensive was Jennifer Espisito's "Ria" who begins the film on an awful foot by going off on some "Asian people can't drive" comments. Nice. Low-hanging fruit, assholes. Surprised they didn't comment at the Hispanic "Ria" wasn't taking some hard-working white person's job because she'll work for less.
"Ria" continues her assault. After an aborted love-making session with Don Cheadle, the pair go on a self-righteous and completely unbelievable rant about how she's from Puerto Rico or something.
The problem with this film is that it attempts to take a very real problem and insert into a fantasty land where daughters put blanks in their father's guns and cops randomly finger bang hot women while their dash camera is picking all of this up, and the couple feel "helpless" in doing anything about it.
Problem is, cops get fired ALL THE TIME for doing bullshit things to people, nobody turns racist when they're about to get laid, no one would put up with "Ria" because she ain't that good looking and a vast, vast majority of us completely distrust people of another race. If we did, nothing would ever get done. What kills most people isn't that there are minority of people holding real racist bias, but that a majority of us could give a shit anymore.
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