Thursday, September 23, 2010


I always thought it interesting that the sequel to Alien is called Aliens. Granted, there is now more than one alien, but, still, couldn't we brainstorm this a little bit more. Just tons of confusion.

James Cameron wrote Aliens before and during the filming of Terminator, which had been delayed thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger filming Conan the Destoyer.

At the time, nothing was for certain. Cameron wasn't the sure bet he is now as it was Terminator that really put him on the map.

Funding for a sequel to Alien wasn't certain also because it wasn't killer in the box office to begin with. Still, Cameron continued writing. Terminator became a hit, Sigourney Weaver signed on, the film was made and it became a box-office smash.

See, things always work out.

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