Monday, November 28, 2011

'The Hour Of The Bewilderbeast'

Many times, if you watch enough films, listen to enough records or read enough books which are supposed to be some of the best ever written, recorded or filmed in the history of mankind, you find a few duds.

The Hour of the Bewilderbeast fits that mold. You listen to it expected something grand and compelling. A melody that lays its hooks in you or a groove that can't make you stop listening. Unfortunately for Badly Drawn Boy, I was just underwhelmed and bored.

That's not to say that its a bad album because there is enough to like and maybe if you like the guy behind Badley Drawn Boy, or if you like really boring pop music, you'd probably get a lot of enjoyment out of this album.

If you are looking for the exceptional, or perhaps one of the 1,001 records I should listen to before I die. That's not what you get here.

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