A question first: Are they real brothers?
Answer: Yes.
In fact, there was another brother, Gummo, but apparently he wasn't all that funny.
Another cool fact is that Harpo's real name is Adolph, but in 1911 he changed it to Arthur. This is significant because it was a good 20 years before the name "Adolph" would prove infamous, but the fact is that Harpo probably changed it because it looked dumb for an entertainer.
The reason I hate the Marx Brothers is because they're entire goal is to perpetually have some zinger or bit to play on the straight man/woman -- who is everyone else. No one is funnier than the Marx Brothers when on screen. It's obnoxious. I can't handle it. It goes too fast and never can you just rest your head and roll with the film. It's joke after joke. Like riding a roller coaster for an hour and a half.
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