There is no way in hell this could happen. Why?
Because 90 percent of today's actors aren't talented enough to pull off this movie, audiences can't handle musicals and sitting through three hours of Benjamin Button was bad enough.
I don't even know how you cast it. Justin Timberlake seems the most natural choice for Sinatra's character: A skinny low-life with spunk and personality.
Brando's character needs looks, talent, charisma and acting chops. Who in modern Hollywood pulls that off? Johnny Depp comes to mind, but his performances are too uneven. Too light-hearted for Daniel Day-Lewis (despite him actually being in a musical in an upcoming film).
Denzel Washington? Too desperate.
What's most disheartening is that there's no truly personable, really good looking leading ladies. Angelina Jolie's not that good and is too brooding. Scarlett Johansen doesn't have the spunk. Maybe Kate Winslet.
This film is great because it could never, ever be duplicated. That's somewhat comforting.
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