I'm going to be honest, I don't remember what I thought this film was. I did not see it in theaters, which is odd. It was released the summer after I graduated high school.
At the time, I was flush with money and I went to an obscene amount of films. I must have thought this was a chick flick. I wasn't one to read reviews so if I made a very shallow evaluation about the film as being one thing, I never learned it was another. Therefore, I can't place it within the right context.
I do remember it being very popular and making a ton of money. Watching it now, I can't believe there was a comedy such as There's Something About Mary. I can't imagine there being a more irreverent film. Nor do I remember something with so much physical humor.
When Warren goes bananas and attacks Ben Stiller during hte prom scene it is an example of the funniest physical humor in quite a long time.
I also remember it being Cameron Diaz' coming-out party. At least for me, she was in The Mask in addition to some lower-budget films. However, I remember Diaz from There's Something About Mary.
Nowadays, I can't stand her. Does nothing for me. Then, she was one of the hottest women on the planet. With that little haircut and those little outfits. Cripes. She was gorgeous.
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