So it was clearly inexplicable why I hadn't delved into the man's catalog before.
I just didn't understand why so many people liked the guy's music so much. Instead of sitting in ignorance, crossing my arms and just saying that he sucks, I made a concerted effort to get to know Neil Young. I started with After the Gold Rush. I don't know why.
I went to the record shop and it was there for a reasonable price. Thus I began my journey with Neil Young.
I don't know if I could have picked a better album. It's so countrified and crisp. The acoustic guitars and piano just rang from the turntable's needle. It was stripped down. His third solo album, he had worked out any kinks into what would become his earnest and bare sound, long before he started adding those obnoxious electric guitars and full band.
This go round, my turntable recently broke. I was forced to find this on compact disc and it does not sound nearly as good as it did on vinyl.
Funny thing, I wound up getting all of his album on vinyl and I love a vast, vast majority of them.
Amazing things happen when you open yourself up to them.
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