On some technical or artistic front, I'm Tarkovsky is the bee's knees. Granted, any filmmaker of note the past 50 years have paid their respects to the guy. And I'm not one to thumb my nose at a weird or offbeat film.
It's just that Tarkovsky doesn't make any sense, there's no characters to invest myself in and apparently "plot" doesn't translate to Russian. Oh wait. Sergei Eisenstein has more of a plot in his trips to the restroom than Tarkovsky has in all 4,000 hours of his.
Honestly, of all his films, I enjoyed Mirror and Andrei Rublev the most. The former you can tell came early in the game for Tarkovsky because it actually includes the frame of a story, even if it is three hours long, in black and white and in subtitles. Although, it did include a cow on fire (the cow was unfair, if not a bit freaked out - the horse falling off the stairs was shot).
Nonetheless: DONE!
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