Kid Rock's like one of those formerly small towns that is suddenly too big for its britches and still advertises how small its schools are.
This album is terrible and it brings back a lot of bad musical memories. I've written before that 1998-2000 was just a bad time for music or for music that was A) popular and B) played on MTV at the time. I was in college and there was literally nothing better to do than watched Total Request Live and Kid Rock had a perpetual video in the top 10 and they were all from this album.
The songs are terrible. They focus on banging girls, partying and drinking. Still, Kid Rock knows when to bring it all back down with "Only God Knows Why," a pretentious, probably sacrilegious prayer from the woeful Kid Rock bemoaning the fact that all this money, drugs, alcohol, women and success could never heal the hurt and loneliness. What a dick. He spends the other 11 songs telling us how great money, drugs, alcohol, women and success are and how personal fulfillment is pretty overrated.
I wish harm on no one. If Kid Rock disappeared -- he's currently assaulting country and western charts -- I wouldn't be too upset.
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