Woman is left by her husband. Fighting all of the despair, she bonds with her friends and gets laid. Soon, she finds her freedom refreshing.
I wish there were more to say here. I did find it completely obnoxious that Erica had the douchebag husband that left her for the secretary and so she decides to have this relationship with the douchebag artist.
I only kind of bring this up because I'm sure the director/screenwriter thought he was having Erica live the free, burdenless life by shacking up with an artist. However, wouldn't it have been more poetic if she hooked up with a construction worker or police officer. The artist, in the end, is only going to make her miserable in the end, and everyone knows it.
What this teaches us is that Erica isn't really free at all. She always needs a man and she always needs to be on the verge of destruction in her relationships. It's almost an anti-women's lib film although no one's willing to admit that the artist relationship was not going to end well. And we all know it won't. Don't be so naive.
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