Tuesday, April 21, 2009

'Enter the Wu Tang (36 Chambers)'

I admit that I'm not the most educated or vehement hip-hop fan. I know what I like and I really like it.

Hearing the Wu-Tang Clan for years and reading about them, they've really intrigued me. I love all kinds of things about them. I like how there's a billion members. I love how they seemed to make their own way through their industry and never really being a part of some bigger entity (say, west coast-east coast, et al.). I like that they try to say something without having to spell it out for you. I like that they're synonymous with being themselves.

However, they're not safe at all, which is kinda my MO in terms of rap and hip-hop. These guys didn't need bulletproof vests (except for ODB, of course) or to show their wounds from getting shot to prove that they from the streets or whatever. They knew what they were about and seemed to be comfortable in their own skin.

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