Friday, March 11, 2011


And they call me ambitious. Actually, no one calls me ambitious. Not even my mother.

Sufjan Stevens -- a quiet multiinstrumentalist with the voice of a choir boy -- decided to record a record for every state in the union. To little aplomb, he did Michigan. Then he completed Illinois.

It was not only state No. 2. It was also Stevens' breakthrough record. For a neo-folkie independent record, it did really well and got insane reviews from those that give insane reviews. I think it's a pretty neat idea. Ambitious and probably insanely hard to finish (although, considering his touring, you'd think he have quite a bit of material for the lower 48), it was a neat idea to advance songwriting and a brilliant piece of Americana.

I was duly disappointed to read that he considered the project kind of a joke. It's actually a quote I do not wholeheartedly believe. Why start it and get two albums in -- one of which is insanely good whether it was about a state or foot ailment -- if it was always a joke? I don't think Stevens has the ability to joke.

Side note: When Stevens broke out, I just assumed he was the son to Yusuf Islam, or Cat Stevens. It was the last name. then the profession. Sufjan being a bit of a folk artist. Then the first name. All these cluses pointed to him being Islam's son. But no. All coincidences. So sue me.

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