Sunday, October 30, 2011

'The Ravishing Of Lol Stein'

The second book read on this list from Marguerite Duras, the first being The Lover.

Duras, from my estimation, gets the most out of less. In both books, there's not a lot going on. In The Ravishing ... Lol Stein (for whatever reason, the middle initial V is left off the American translation) is jilted at the age of 19 by her fiance at dance.

The story jumps years ahead to when Stein returns her to her childhood home after suffering her breakdown, getting married and having children, she inexplicably seeks out her former best friend, who she finds is having an affair, Jacques, who becomes the narrator halfway through the novel. Lol seeks companionship with Jacques and there's these weird, unspoken moments when you think the former best friend had some kind of hand in the incident at the dance when they were teenagers. And there's no real clue as to why Jacques is so sought after.

Anyway, read Duras and you are left with more questions than answers.

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