Saturday, October 20, 2012

'Solid Air'

A great album featuring one of my favorite new songs to hear during this project, “Over the Hill.” 
John Martyn was a stalwart of the British folk scene in the 1960s and you can hear that a lot on Solid Air despite being more of a mid-career album. You also hear the very distinct jazz influence. He’s a great guitar player and it shows. 
Martyn recorded another album, Grace & Danger, in the 1980s following the dissolution of his marriage. It is not on the 1,001 list, which is a shame not to be able to write about it, but it’s one of the darkest albums ever recorded. So dark, that the record company didn’t want to release, friends didn’t want to hear it, yet, Martyn calls it his favorite album considering the honestly in the songs. 
Like many, Martyn struggled with drugs and drink during his career. Later in life, it appears he didn’t take care of himself as he looks terribly overweight. Still, he recorded until his death in 2009 and even dabbled in hip-hop aesthetics. 

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