I watched random, crappy kung fu movies growing up, but in terms of knowing names, faces, titles or whatever, I didn't care. I just couldn't figure out why their mouths moved at different times than the actual voices.
Lee, of course, is a cultural icon. Being a noted badass. And I see why. I don't care about kung fu movies now after watching the best, probably, kung fu of all time. I'll probably never like these movies, but I totally understand Lee's appeal.
Lee is one of the celebrities that died "too young" (as if infants didn't) and is "missed" by people that never met the guy nor were they born when he died due to a reaction from a muscle relaxant.
Lee's value, however, didn't lie in his legs, arms or fists.The dude was fucking charismatic as hell. He's aura just jumped off the screen. He generally seemed like a sweet guy and it sucks that he wasn't able to play out his film career.
If it's any consolation, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, George Lazenby and Chuck Norris served as pallbearers. The coolest set of pallbearers of all time.
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