1. When I worked at a newspaper, there was a graphics/print guy named Randy. And he loved Emerson, Lake and Palmer.
2. My only knowledge of Emerson, Lake and Palmer is that during their heyday of touring, Carl Palmer -- the drummer -- would have this bit where at a certain point during their show, he would tilt his head back and yank with his teeth at this rope, which would ring a giant bell above him. All while playing the song. Kinda like Led Zeppelin and the gong.
The story is that at some point the drum tech began lowering Palmer's drum stool by small degrees each show so it took a little bit more stretching of the neck and torso to reach the string or rope.
It got to the point where Palmer couldn't reach without almost standing up. So he realizes what's happening and he gets pissed.
So the next show they shorten the string instead.
Get it? EL&P drum techs are rascals.
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