Sunday, July 6, 2008

'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'

Again, another example of a piece of literature or art that I can't imagine being created any time before 1910 or something.

Given that up until the 1950s American Congressmen were persecuting "communists" in a public witch hunt, I can only imagine what times were like in the 1800s, a time, that I imagine, including people using "healing powders" and bloodletting to relieve headaches.

Then Lewis freakin' Carroll comes out with that mindscrew and we're all supposed to be OK? It's 2008, and I just read this flippin' book and I'm not OK. Imagine being some kid in 18-whatever picking this up for a nice read. Next thing you know you're in the corner of your room, shaking.

It's really a nothing book and I realize there's supposed to be philosophical undertones, but it's so dumb and inane at times that I can't imagine it being anything other than a kid's book. Or an acid trip.

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