Sunday, July 6, 2008

'A Fish Called Wanda'

This, simply, is not a very good movie. I'm not one to thumb my nose at low-brow comedies because they're somehow beneath me. I love to laugh. But that's kind of the reason I hated "A Fish Called Wanda."

It's not funny.

A couple things:

1. There is not one movie that I think Kevin Kline is good in. Not one.

2. Jamie Lee Curtis is a joke. For one, change your name. Two, how can God give such an amazing body to someone who looks like a man?

3. Just because you put two former Monty Pythoners in a movie doesn't make it funny.

4. One major uneven aspect of the movie are the ongoing, secondary references. Like Kline's Otto not like being called "stupid" and his fascination with Nietzsche. Also, the way he asks someone to repeat the "middle" option in a list. Also, Curtis' Wanda going orgasmic over foreign languages. They're referenced throughout but with no explanation.

5. I wonder if I'll consider today's comedy classics as dated as "A Fish Called Wanda" is today? Do directors today intentionally put little original, modern music to combat this?

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