Tuesday, July 1, 2008

'Barry Lyndon'

I often discuss film with friends. Part of the discussion is how movies are greenlighted and produced. For example, right now, Judd Apatow could walk into a movie studio office and ask to make a film about paint drying and he'd get a $3 million budget because everyAdd Imagething that guy touches is turning to gold.

It's interesting reading about how the greats of the past got their pet projects made including Coppola, Scorcese, Kubrick.

For "Barry Lyndon," a 3-hour period piece about some dude, the studio OK'd the idea -- a film Kubrick really wanted to make -- as long as he cast one of the top 10 male movie stars of the time. So it was either Robert Redford or Ryan O'Neal playing ol' Barry.

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