Friday, August 22, 2008

'Hoop Dreams'

A devastatingly honest documentary about the life of an inner-city, African-American male who has intentions of playing professional basketball. It balances between the social issues happening in Chicago mixed with the poverty and big business of high school and collegiate sports.

'Cause it's about the money. It's about exploitation. The entire journey from freshman in high school to a professional player is like trying to explain quantum physics to a toddler. Even for the adults. There's just so many equations that goes into "making it," but all kid sees is a game. A game they're pretty good at fueled by an insane need to not only leave the ghetto, but to also make millions of dollars. It's all a dream.

It's such a mixed-up situation that is so intrinsic to the American sports fabric that it's impossible to exorcise.

A mesmerizing piece.

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