Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This is pretty unwatchable. Pretty dumb, not funny and not really poignant or telling. Nothing that makes me look at war any differently. Although, the football game analogy was pretty interesting, but entirely too long.

Allegedly, is a satirical "dramedy" (it's not really funny in the least) about the Vietnam War ... despite the fact that it's actually about the Korean War. I dislike the "thinly veiled" commentary on the Vietnam War because it insinuates that the Korean conflict was somehow not on the same level in terms of war being, you know, bad and senseless. The fact that it's about Korea somehow makes it a little more legit then if it was about Vietnam.

More so than war, the film's more of a commentary on religion. Which any half-wit, hack film student can do. Seems petty and dumb.

I did learn that "Suicide is Painless" -- the theme song -- actually has lyrics. Long before Midlake ripped it off.

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