Tuesday, March 10, 2009

'The Natural'

You know those ridiculous sports movies where the goofball team is owned by the uncaring owners that seek to drive the team into the cellar for the whole point of making more money (somehow) and then comes along a nobody player who energizes the team with play and attitude and suddenly he's the hero, the team wins and it culminates in a long, drawn-out dramatic scene at the end where our hero saves the day.

Entertaining, but not good.

You'd think I'm describing "Major League," "Unnecessary Roughness" or "Little Giants." But I'm not. I'm speaking about a film that's regarded as one of the best sports movies ever and it plays out like a two-bit piece of crap.

"The Natural" sucks. It's lop-sided, ill-put together, poorly acted and really poorly cast. And it follows every plotline and curve that every other generic sports movie throws out.

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