Thursday, July 23, 2009

'The Usual Suspects'

For whatever reason, I never got around to watching this film. I mean, if you made a list of the films that I've had the intentions on watching for the past 10 years, "The Usual Suspects" is probably No. 1.

I did have a good discussion with a big movie fan friend of mine about the element of the big twist. It seems like in the mid-1990s, having the big, nobody-knew-it-was-coming twist in the thriller/drama was a big deal.

Think back to "Silence of the Lambs," "Seven," "Primal Fear" and later with "Sixth Sense." You just couldn't have a good ol' thriller, you had to twist it up on the movie watcher.

But now, aren't we all desensitized with the big twist. Not that "The Usual Suspects" would not have gotten me with Kevin Spacey being the big bad dude, but after 10 years of being twisted, I knew about halfway through that this was indeed the case, that Spacey was the big bad dude.

No real proof. No idea how they would explain it or pull it off. I just knew.

Hollywood is going to have to shake things up. Or just revert to doing a plain ordinary film. Now that would mess with some heads.

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