Monday, July 13, 2009

'Wild Strawberries'

"Wild Strawberries" was Swedish actor Victor Sjostrom's finaly movie before dying in 1960.

He was in six movies total and despite being best remembered as the old professor in Ingmar Bergman's film, he was a better known director himself, doing about 40 films, some of which do not even exist anymore.

I don't know what's more introspective in terms of one's life choices and mortality: the film "Wild Strawberries" or Sjostrom's life.

To have your best and last performance in the final several years of your life on film and distributed to anyone in the world that wants to see. I guess Brad Pitt could die tomorrow and maybe we all look at "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" differently. Chances are, Pitt will live to 90 and we'll forget about that movie and a dozen other ding-dongs he puts out.

Much in the same way Sjostrom is best known as a dying old professor in a film despite being an accomplished film director and having some of that work lost forever. That work that was meant to last forever. That could've lasted forever. Now it's history like history itself.

If I'm forced to watch Swedish females the rest of my days, I'll die a happy man.

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