Tuesday, January 26, 2010

'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'

With little doubt, this is the creepiest movie I've ever seen. I remember watching it as a kid and being freaked out and 24 years later it still effects me the same.

The creepiest part is when the hot girl goes into Leatherhead's house and goes into a room only to fall into about three inches of bird feathers with skeletons and bones scattered all about. Then ol' Leatherhead gets her and puts her on a meat hook by the base of her skull. Creepy.
I think it is and was doubly creepy because I grew up in an extremely rural part of Texas and I've seen places where there isn't an ounce of civilization with a bunch of wildlands and abandoned houses owned and possibly lived. I've seen shacks that housed kids where we had to pick them up on a bus route.
As teenagers, we'd load up six in a pick-up truck and drive out to the most desolate and dark areas of the country, turn off the ignition and sit in the quiet in stillness until it just became too much. It was too much silence. Too much dark. Like were invading and armies were surrounding us. Creepy.

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