Wednesday, January 13, 2010

'Winchester '73'

I think this is a very interesting concept for a film. And it's quite a good film. It runs about 90 minutes and takes little or no time to introduce our heroes, our villains, shooting of guns and obvious contention (although, unknown) between good and bad.

Fascinating because it follows the life and times of a rifle, a Winchester won by Jimmy Stewart's character during a July 4 shooting competition in Dodge City with Wyatt Earp (a chunky Earp at that) on hand.

It's stolen by the bad guy, who sells it to an arms trader, who has it stolen by Native Americans. He's then shot down in an attack and is given to some boring guy, it's stolen (or taken) again and winds up back in the hands of the big bad dude, who is, as it turns out, is Stewart's brother. Call it delayed satisfaction because we learn nothing of the brother's fight until the very end when everything is revealed.

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