Wednesday, November 19, 2008

'Trout Mask Replica'

I'm just going to come out and say it: This album sucks.

Now, I realize that I may be criticized for being artistically retarded or a prude when it comes to creativity.

The problem is this: If I see an abstract piece from Picasso, I can look at it and I feel something. I listen to "Trout Mask Replica" and I hear dissonance. In fact, dissonance is too good of a word. Dissonance indicates that there is some rhyme or reason even in the most grating way. No, this is not dissonant nor is it just noise like a dial tone or ring.

It's jackasses playing their instruments poorly for the sake of nothing. "Art" for the sake of "art."

Surely, Captain Beefheart influenced a lot of bands that I like. That is fine. But I don't have to like the first ever guitar player to like the Beatles.

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