Friday, May 15, 2009

'The Gleaners and I'

During this project, I've watched a lot of great films that I would not have given the time of day before. I've been greatly rewarded for my ambition.

Particularly, I've enjoyed the foreign films and documentaries. This French documentary, however, sucked.

The one thing I hate about the documentary is the propensity of the filmmaker to include him or herself into the actual film when I feel the film is about "documenting" something or someone else. Werner Herzog does this a lot, but I think he's too good for it to fail. Michael Moore, obviously, does this as kind of the "everyman" representative as he takes on America's conservative mindset.

This documentarian, Agnes Varda, kinda puts herself in the film for the sole reason of just getting an acting credit. Other reviews have stated that she, herself, is a gleaner as a filmmaker. Which is true, but that makes us all gleaners and, thusly, makes her documentary less interesting. I want more homeless drunks scavenging large potatoes.

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