Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ryan Adams has done better albums. Many people like Gold. I don't know why. I don't know how you don't listen to Heartbreaker, Jacksonville City Lights or Cold Roses and don't like them much better.

Truth is, Gold is as much of a pop record as Adams is going to get and, frankly, some of those songs ain't pop songs. Some are downright beautiful.

Mostly I think people assume it's some homage to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks -- what with the American flag (upside down) and the "New York New York" song, which is about a girl. But that's OK. It holds some value as a post-9/11 album despite Yankee Hotel Foxtrot being much better.

What drives me bananas about Ryan Adams is that he's so too cool for school. With his pants that fit just so, the way he pulls off any T-shirt, his hair that looks like it tries too hard without trying at all, the blue eyes, the way he doesn't have to look at the camera. I guess he can't help any of this bullshit. You put all that into a pot then consider him writing those songs and it drives you crazy.

I'd give my left kidney just to be able to pull off the T-shirts.

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