Thursday, August 18, 2011

'Point Blank'

I double-dog dare you to Google "Point Blank Movie Poster." Some brilliantly done posters. I decided to roll with two. I couldn't make up my mind.

Another example of Lee Marvin's genius. Stoic and communicates by leaving just about everything unsaid.

Point Blank is directed by John Boorman, a Brit who was first given the reins to Catch Us If You Can, campy film starring the pop-rock group The Dave Clark Five, as a sort of response to A Hard Day's Night.

His next film, naturally, is Point Blank, a large-budget film starring the noted Marvin, who apparently allowed Boorman to pretty much do what he wanted (they'd work again together in Hell in the Pacific a few years later).

Boorman's had a pretty so-so directorial career. He garnered three Oscar nominations from Deliverence and wound up directing post-Bond Sean Connery in the otherwordly awful Zardoz. Better to be infamous than unknown, I guess.

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