Tuesday, April 16, 2013

'Basket of Light'

They say nothing’s original anymore. Doesn’t make things bad, but it’s hard to find the root to modern art. Listen to Pentangle’s Basket of Light and you hear the influence of a lot of modern bands like Fleet Foxes and The Decemberists. 
Pentangle straddles a series of genre lines from British folk and early music, classical baroque and jazz. It’s none of those things but, instead, all of them. Although the beginning of Light Flight sounds like The Beatles’ “I Feel Fine.”

The began to disintegrate in the early 1970s once their record company basically quit paying them royalties citing that the company paid for the cost of recording. Which is sorta how things work out. Otherwise, what would be the point of a record company? Then the band had a clause in their contract disallowing them from suing the record company.

Remember youngsters: Always have a lawyer.

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