Friday, October 24, 2008

'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance'

Isn't it odd that there's a whole genre of film dedicated to the western United States from around the Civil War to the latter half of the 19th century?

The Western. Geez. Most people barely scratch the surface of foreign films (from all around the world) but there are most who have seen every John Wayne movie, many of which are Westerns.

Is the Western -- as a movie genre -- the result of America's mammoth influence on pop culture. Not only do we make a lot of it, but we determine what's important and what's not.

It's a tad alarmingly seeing Jimmy Stewart so old. He was 54 when the movie came out. Unfortunately, he's supposed to play a youngish lawyer in a majority of the film. He doesn't come off as the spry, energetic spark plug like in his younger days. It's disappointing.

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