Thursday, July 22, 2010

'Triumph Of The Will'

Got to give it to the Nazis, they sure knew how to throw a party.

The pure mass and breadth of these rallies is rather jaw dropping. Don't want to sound like I'm a Nazi or anything, but they're gigantic.

The pure mass of people chanting and yelling. Rows and rows of arms straight in salute. The SS goosestepping down the avenue. It's riveting. The pure electricity of the rallies really come through the screen. I could only imagine what they were like in person.

I realize that this doesn't excuse anyone from what happened. But you must also consider that this was a country ripped apart by war and reparations. They were a hungry and tired mass left to sit in the corner. You poke a dog enough times with a sharp end of a stick, they'll eventually bite.

I did enjoy seeing the wide-eyed, hopeful Nazi Youth in celebration. I kept thinking, "Good luck freezing your faces off in Stalingrad in seven years!"

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