Thursday, July 15, 2010

'Happy Together'

The most potentially destructive force for any one individual is another person. Whilst we all continue to search and search for that "perfect" human being to be a companion to (in addition to the dozens and dozens of friends and acquaintances that propel us through life), the one component that can derail a life faster is another with destructive tendencies.

People are worse than any drug. Drugs get your hormones, synapses, glands and senses working on overdrive.

People do the same. Except they play at your emotions. Drugs don't. You kick heroin or pot or meth and you don't feel bad for the drugs. Although, you're body wants it more than anything.

People evoke sympathy, and that kills you every time. Even at our lowest, human beings aren't blood-thirsty savages, who relish in other's misery. Generally, we want to help our fellow man as long as it doesn't crap on our own intentions or plans.

Po-Wing is the self-destructive force in Happy Together willing to drag down anyone with him. Yiu-Fai can't seem to let go no matter how detached he becomes from Po-Wing. Even with the chemistry dead, there still exists the human element that remains a shackle on Yiu-Fai's ankle.

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