Saturday, July 31, 2010

'The Nutty Professor'

The first and foremost "detail" in The Nutty Professor is color.

I say "detail." The color is actually a giant punch to the gut from the first five seconds of the film to the very last.

From the beakers and boiling liquids in the lab, to the students' clothing and the jazz club, Jerry Lewis and Co. decided that if they were going to pay for Technicolor, they'd better get every last penny out of it.

So they jazzed everything up. Costumes were brighter. Random classroom or club items looked fresher and brighter. When Jerry Lewis grins as Buddy Love, it beams off the of the screen. His skin looks like a freshly oiled catcher's mitt.

The rest of the film I can live without. Lewis does impress, however. Creating that laborious voice for Professor Kelp only to skip over to Buddy Love's smooth croon and then at a drop of a dime revert back to Kelp's warble and squeak had to be pretty hard.

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