Tuesday, May 21, 2013

'Nick Of Time'

I think it’s underreported just how much Bonnie Raitt looks like Rogue from the X-Men comics. Especially the 1990s Rogue when her hair was big and primped. 

I searched and searched for this album in bargain bins and I could never find it. Honestly, I had it mixed up with her other album, Luck of the Draw, which came out two years later and was a bigger commercial success, although Nick of Time was her first album to sell much after about 20 years of recording.

In all honesty, Nick of Time was released during my peak radio-hit/pop music years and I don’t remember one single from the entire album. It sold five million copies. She followed it up by selling seven million of Luck of the Draw.

Interesting tidbit on Raitt is just how active she is on social issues. She dedicated her 1972 effort to the “people of North Vietnam.” She went to college studying social relations and African studies with the idea of going to Africa on nation-building trysts.

Nick of Time, generally, is a silly pop record aimed at 35-year-olds around 1989. Probably Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.

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