Monday, December 8, 2008

'3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days In the Life Of ...'

Here's a fun story from the life of a kid growing up in rural Texas listening to pop radio: I owned this record when it came out in 1992.

"Tennessee," I assume, was the first single off the record and it's so stinking catchy that I had to own it. So I bought it, probably at Wal-Mart.

That tape is gone now.

Re-listening to it now, I realize I was way above my head in terms of getting Arrested Development. Very spiritual, very political, socially-concious and looking to make changes in the way white and black people thought about each other.

But at 12 years old (and white) was a slave to the melody only.

Now, I consider this Cosby music: Music that Bill Cosby would love because it's so Afro-centric and positive. Plus, can't you just imagine Dwayne Wayne from "Different World" jamming to this?

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