Monday, October 18, 2010

'The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady'

The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady is regarded by some as the greatest jazz album of all time. It features the talents of famed composer and bassist Charles Mingus.

The album is a six-part suit of avant-garde, swirling jazz music. It's a complete narrative, however, of music. That sounds ridiculous, but it's a very listenable album.

Mingus was a bit of a nut, however. He and his psychotherapist collaborated for the liner notes on the album. In his autobiography, Mingus claimed to have had 31 different affairs in his life including 26 hookers at one time. Which is either ridiculous, untrue or awesome ... or all three. He was also married five times. He claims he was married to two at the same time. He also claims to have been a pimp.

Mingus also was apparently an asshole. He'd stop the music and yell at clubgoers for clinking ice in their drinks. He'd scream at band members and run them off the stage. He punched a trombone player in the mouth, forever altering the player's ability to hit hit notes on his horn.

Mingus released 68 albums as a bandleader in his time. Maybe an asshole. Maybe dealing with burning while peeing. But he could play some jazz.

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