Saturday, October 23, 2010

'Imperial Bedroom'

I purchased Imperial Bedroom at a record store. I played it once and, frankly, kind of ignored it. I played it again and it started to stick.

By the 10th spin, I was pretty hooked and loving the record. So much, that if I had the opportunity to purchase it on CD, I probably would.

It's very melodic, with these rather varying and complex melodies. I've learned that this was the first album Elvis Costello write on the piano, which makes more sense in regards to the melodies being a tad more complex.

This was also the first album Costello did without Nick Lowe producing. As Costello noted in the liner notes of one release, he wanted to do things and didn't think Lowe had the patience. It's also the first Costello album where the songs were first played live.

The album titled is stolen from Brett Easton Ellis' novel Imperial Bedrooms. Tit for tat, Ellis took his novel title Less Than Zero from Costello's song of the same name.

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