Wednesday, October 13, 2010

'The Sixth Sense'

I first saw this film in college during one of those "movie nights" in the math building. I'd never seen it nor did I really know any kind of spoiler in regards to the twist.

Frankly, it freaked me out. Scared me shitless. Not knowing what to expect, the unexpected took me by total surprise. It still kind of freaks me out. I know I'm supposed to say that I knew Bruce Willis was dead the entire time and that it doesn't scare me now, but it does.

There's something about the woman who cut her wrists and the boy that accidentally blew his brains out that always gets me. The way they walk past, almost a blur. Like they're shadows.

This is just one of four horror films all time to get an Oscar nod. It is a really good film. Frankly, M. Night Shyamalan hasn't done a decent movie since, but I think he still gets opportunities because of The Sixth Sense. They're waiting for him to lure the filmgoers back with that twist. Hasn't happened since.

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