Tuesday, October 19, 2010

'The Killer'

This film is in Chinese and for about the first 15 minutes there is talking and not a whole lot of subtitles going on. It's OK. Because there's not a lot of talking. Just a lot of shooting.

Still, the subtitles weren't working. Still, when hte subtitles clicked on (after much remote control wrangling), there was something off about them. As if they weren't really translating what was being said or the Chinese syntax and subtleties of the langauge don't translate well or it's one of the corniest written film of all time.

I tend to think it's the first and a bit of the third. This film's really over the top in that Quentin Tarantino kind of way with a shitload of blood, these melodramatic subplots, the killer with a conscience and more.

It is very crazy. The action scene never seem to end and they include so much blood, equal to any Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez film. It also launched the mainstream careers of Jet Li and John Woo, who'd both latre make craploads of money in the United States.

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