Sunday, October 31, 2010

'Fellini Satyricon'

If you want your mind blown, check out Federico Fellini's interpretation of Petronius' Satyricon. Based on the ancient plays written during Nero's reign in Rome. As the tagline goes, "Rome. After Christ. Before Fellini."

The inclusion of "Fellini" in the promotion and whatnot was because another film of the same name was already done years earlier.

Labeling it "bizarre" would be the understatement of the millenia. It's a visual orgy, a mish-mash of characters, dialogue you can't understand, plotlines that don't make any sense, quick-changing sets and scenes.

On a different thread, Satyricon is the name of a death metal band from Norway. Extremely black. Extremely metal. Kind of the polar opposite of the film.

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