Tuesday, October 26, 2010

'My Generation'

Reason No. 824 why I hate The Who: On their seminal 1965 record (the same year The Beatles produced the beautiful Rubber Soul), My Generation, featuring arguably their most popular song, is a mish-mash of R&B covers and garage band noise.

Basically, The Who had no idea what they wanted to be when they grew up. And I'm supposed to think they were a good band?

And Roger Daltrey and that ridiculous haircut. What a douche.

Look at all four of them on that album cover. John Entwhistle with that head of hair that his mom combed for him that morning. Pete Townshend and Keith Moon with that "aw-shucks" visage. Like they were just visiting Big Ben and someone decided to take a photo for the cover of a rock record.

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