Monday, November 22, 2010


I honestly can't imagine a more boring film being made despite the fact that watching Jane Fonda almost naked for two hours is very satisfying and the fact that I like Donald Sutherland.

Klute is Sutherland, the no-nonsense, small-town cop, who travels to New York City to investigate the yearlong disappearance of his friend. There he interviews Fonda, a call girl, who has an addiction to the lifestyle she's desperately trying to leave behind.

They become lovers and team up to investigate the friend's disappearance, Fonda's stalker, the death of some prostitutes and all kinds of other creepy happenings that turn out to be much deeper than we can imagine.

Sutherland's dry, but he's always kind of dry. Fonda is sexy as hell and she got a Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal, despite not thinking she was all that good.

A year before the release of Klute, Fonda and Sutherland created Free The Troops, a vaudevillian traveling show along the West Coast, an anti-war USO. I expected this out of Fonda. Not so much Sutherland.

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