Saturday, November 27, 2010

'Louisiana Story'

Interestingly, Louisiana Story, despite being a fictional story with actors, is considered a documentary. Makes you question the definition of "documentary." Although not factual, it is documenting a lifestyle and an important development of American industry: Oil.

The film was actually commissioned by the Standard Oil Co. It deals with a man and boy, who allow an oil company to drill for oil on their property. The boy and his raccoon jaunt around the bayou all day. The boy and man strike up a friendly relationship with the oil rig guys.

One accident takes place when a gas bubble is hit, but all things were made safe again. It's not so much a documentary as it is propaganda: A film to show that drilling to oil wasn't altogether safe, the professionals running things made it all OK.

Maybe it's not a documentary, but it's no ordinary film.

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