Tuesday, November 2, 2010

'The Rules Of The Game'

Today, The Rules of the Game is considered one of the best films of all time. When you think of the best of the best you're supposed to think of this film.

Unfortunately, I'd never heard of the thing and when I saw it on the 1,001 list I regarded it as a mystery, much like the other 800 or so movies I'd never heard of.

Almost shockingly, when it was released way back in 1939 everyone hated it. The French and Vichy governments both banned it because they thought it wasn't good for morale of the country. You know, the country currently under Nazi control and Allies flying over and bombing everything.

During one viewing, a viewer apparently lit a newspaper on fire with the intentions of burning the theater down. Other such threats were made.

Much to the delight of these people including the Nazis, the negatives of the film were thought to be destroyed during Allied bombing. Not until after the war were negatives found and the film was reconstructed into its current incarnation, which runs about 20 minutes longer.

The Nazis or the guy setting the theater are fire were not pleased with this.

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