Monday, August 16, 2010

'Fight Club'

I wonder how much of DVD sales are due to those having to rebuy DVDs due to the downfall of the VCR and the VHS format.

Fight Club was one of probably 35 or so VHS tapes that I eventually sold in a garage sale once my soon-to-be wife and I amalgamated our possessions. I swore I would just eventually rebuy Fight Club, probably used somewhere or on eBay.

Alas, six years later and I still haven't replaced it. I honestly do not buy DVDs any more. I hardly rewatch films much and with the prevalence of Netflix I feel I can "get" Fight Club or any other TV show or film any time I want it.

Having rewatched Fight Club for the first time in six or seven years, I still enjoy it and now that my eye for things that makes films great, I realize that it, too, is great.

The editing and overall production is fantastic. The storytelling superb. Edward Norton is one of the best actors of the past 15 years.

I checked Fight Club out from my local library. The librarian I usually encounter always makes a comment about what I'm checking out and admitted that she thought the film was literally about macho guys beating the shit out of each other. After she was forced to watch it, clearly, she learned that it wasn't about fighting at all, but about consumerism and the rejection thereof.

It seems, everything is in the title.

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