Monday, August 23, 2010

'Toy Story'

An easy movie to watch when your three-year-old is as into it as you are.

Toy Story was released in 1995 and at the time animated kids' films were a bit beyond my cinematic interest considering I was a bit more into girls and rock bands.

Of all the films on this 1,001 list, Toy Story probably deserves just as much as any other choice.

It was the first animated feature done entirely by computer and it set up a multi-trillion dollar industry of films that are not only entertaining to children, but very interesting for adults and regarded as generally good films with critics and the awards people.

Wall-E and Up getting Oscar buzz was no fluke; and it was all thanks to Toy Story.

I'd never seen Toy Story up until this weekend, even with the kid. It was one we didn't own and I'd never been around to catch it. It's good. Funny, clever with incredibly likable characters and a quality plot that meant something.

Interestingly, there's been two others, the third one released in 2010, 15 years after the original and, of course, the boy is 19 or so and going off to college. I can't wait to watch the other two.

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