Monday, August 2, 2010

'My Fair Lady'

Knowing the general plot of My Fair Lady, I found it hard to believe that it filled up 170 minutes.

If they'd cut out about three unnecessary songs and the drawn out ending, it might have clocked in about about 130 minutes. Instead, we get 170 minutes of Audrey Hepburn's awful cockney accent.

The film has quite a bit of significance considering it was released in 1964 when gender and class roles were reversing or evening out. Right when Lyndon B. Johnson was signing in the Great Society legislation, a film was released that showcased the prejudice that held down those of lesser education and income as lesser human beings.

Also, the blatant mysogination was a tenant of a bygone era by the 1960s as women took control of their own destinies out from underneath the thumb of man.

My Fair Lady is a musical, entertaining. It's also a eulogy for a bygone era that literally seemed a 100 years in the past.

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